Center on Assets, Education, and Inclusion

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AEDI's work is organized into four distinct, although obviously related, research areas:

  • Children's Savings Accounts (CSAs)
  • College Debt
  • Wealth Transfers
  • Financial Inclusion

AEDI's mission seeks to make progress in these areas.  Together they offer significant chances to chart improved trajectories for children, their families, and entire communities, struggling against disadvantage.

An AEDI Faculty Director oversees the work within each of these research areas, supported by professional staff, faculty associates, and students. Within each research area, AEDI employs various approaches to advance knowledge, inform policy, and spark critical conversations. These efforts include:

  • original research, as in the investigations into CSA programs operating around the country
  • quantitative analysis of secondary datasets
  • policy analysis
  • publication of academic articles, working papers, and popular media pieces
  • presentations
  • collaborations

More information about the activities conducted within each project can be found at left. Additionally, the Faculty Directors for each AEDI project are available to answer questions, provide materials, and discuss potential partnerships.